Rose Marie
A handsome, slightly stocky pear with smooth skin. The ripe pear shows an orange red to pink blush on a yellow base colour. Taste and texture: A sweet, juicy pear with pale, smooth flesh.
Abate Fetel
An Elongated Pear with an attractive brown russet. The Abate Fetel pear has a rich, sweet taste that is much more pronounced than the Anjou or Williams Pear varieties.
Bon Chretien
One of the oldest dessert pear varieties. Fantastic variety for ripening at home with a great eating experience. It goes by the name of Bartlett in some parts of the globe. A pear for all trades of the industry, perfect for drying, canning or eating fresh.
Packhams Triumph
Flesh is juicy, fine, with a musky flavour.
Bi-Coloured pear, often eaten crunchy. Flesh is white packed with a very sweet flavour. Very versatile Pear with a smaller sizing profile.